Lalu apa saja sih unsur-unsur penting yang harus ada dalam PKB? Menurut literatur ada beberapa hal yang penting dan harus diatur dalam PKB yaitu:
I. Establishment and Administration of the Agreement
1. Bargaining unit and plant supplements
2. Contract duration and reopening and renegotiation provision
3. Union security and the checkoff
4. Special bargaining Committees
5. Grievance procedures
6. Arbritration and mediation procedures
7. Strikes and lock out
8. Contract Enforcement
II.Wage Determination and Administration
1. Rate structure and wage differentials
2. Incentive and bonus plans
3. Production standards and time studies
4. Job Classification and job evaluation
5. Individual wage adjusments
6. General wage adjusments during contract period
III. Job or Income Security
1. Hiring and transfer agreements
2. Employment and income guarantees
3. Reporting and call-in pay
4. Supplemental unemployment benefit plans
5. Regulation of overtime, shift works, etc
6. Reduction of hours to forestall layoffs
7. Layoff procedures, seniority, recall
8. Worksharing in lieu of layoff
9. Attrition arrangements
10. Promotion practices
11. Training and retraining
12. Relocation allowances
13. Severance pay and layoff benefit plans
14. Special funds and study committee
IV Functions, Rights, and Responsibilities
1. Managements rights clauses
2. Plant removal
3. Subcontracting
4. Union activities on company time and premises
5. Union – management cooperation
6. Regulation of technological change
7. Advance notice and consultation
V. Plant Operation
1. Work and shop rules
2. Rest periods and other in plant time allowances
3. Safety and helath
4. Plant committes
5. Hours of works and premium pay practises
6. Shift operation
7. Hazardous work
8. Dicipline and discharge
VI. Paid and Unpaid Leave
1. Vacations and holidays
2. Sick leave
3. Funeral and personal leave
4. Military leave
VII Employee Benefit Plans
1. Helath and insurance plans
2. Pension plans
3. Profit sharing, stock purchase, and thrifty plans
4. Bonus plans
VIII Special Groups
1. Apprentices and learners
2. Handicapped and older worker
3. Women
4. Veterans
5. Unions representative
6. Non discrimination clauses
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